Spring Recipes for Kids - Bubbles Academy

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Spring Recipes for Kids

Spring is finally here!  Check out these fun spring-themed recipes from Allison Zalay, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. Miss Ali leads a hands-on 45-minute cooking class each month at Bubbles Academy to encourage nutrition education through cooking.

We are excited to share these simple and fun ways to get little ones excited about trying new foods!

healthy-kids-cooking-class-recipeBanana Boats

You will need:
1 banana, peeled
1 tablespoon peanut, almond or any nut butter
2 teaspoons assorted toppings (mini chocolate chips, shredded coconut, raisins, blueberries)

1. Slice banana down center, not fully slicing through. Split open to make boat.
2. Spread peanut butter gently down center of banana. Sprinkle with desired toppings and enjoy!

Spring Veggie Pinwheels

You will need:
1 tablespoon hummus
1 (6-inch) whole wheat tortilla
1/4 cup fresh spinach
1/4 cup sliced cucumbers
1/4 cup sliced tomatoes
1 tablespoon shredded carrots

1. Spread hummus evenly over tortilla. Layer spinach, cucumbers, and tomatoes over hummus. Top with carrots.
2. Roll up tortilla length-wise. Cut into 1-inch pieces. Serve immediately.

We hope you enjoy these springtime treats!


Allison Zalay

Allison Zalay is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a hands-on approach to nutrition education. Allison found an interest in nutrition and healthy living at an early age, by helping her mom in the kitchen. Her passion for cooking grew further when she worked as an Editor and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist overseeing several cookbook and cooking magazine projects under the healthy living category.

Allison believes healthy eating comes from the start, and nutrition education should begin at home at a young age. We are thrilled to have her offering classes at Bubbles Academy for preschoolers and their families!
