Snowflake Scavenger Hunt - Winter Activity For Kids | Bubbles Academy

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Chilly Snowflake Scavenger Hunt! Winter at-home activities

Now that the weather is getting colder; we’re all looking for more ways to move our bodies while staying indoors. So let’s bring a little of that winter wonder inside with a SNOWFLAKE SCAVENGER HUNT! This activity takes a little prep-work on the part of the grown-up, but can result in lots and lots of fun. There are many ways to extend the activity to make it more physical or more challenging for different age groups!

The core of this activity is really simple: hide snowflakes around a room, house, or backyard and let the kids find them. However, it’s the little details that can make this activity really sing! There are lots of ways to make this activity more engaging than just collecting pieces of paper from the wall. So here are some variations I love:

Add a Magical Letter


I like to start off the activity with a little magic: a letter from a snowperson! In my version the letter reads “Help! I’ve lost my snowflakes, can you help me find them?” That way it isn’t just mom and dad getting them to work on an activity, but something more. Like a spy with a mission, you little one has been given a special assignment that only they can do! They can be a helper for this snowperson in need! Have the letter come in with your mail or leave it someplace they’ll notice it first and watch the magic begin.

Tip: Include an example snowflake in the letter so that your little ones know EXACTLY what the hidden items look like.

Physical Extension

Where you place the snowflakes can be a big part of the activity. A few should be easy to spot and easy to grab, but also put some a little out of reach. Place some a little too high so they have to get up on their tiptoes, place some way down low so they have to bend their knees down, place it all the way across a table so they have to stretch, place them on different walls, tables, hiding places, rather than all together to get kids moving while they search.


How many snowflakes can you find? This is a great activity to work on counting and numbers. More than one kiddo? Make it a competition! Who can find the most snowflakes!

Letter search

For bigger kiddos working on letter identification and beginning words, each snowflake can contain a letter and when you collect them all it will spell out a message!

Extended play

This activity can be a one time search or an ongoing mystery. You can add snowflakes every couple days to keep the magic alive – I promise, they won’t get tired of it.

Color fun

If you choose to go with all white snowflakes, once your kids collect them, feel free to open up the crayon box and let them add a little color to a drab winter scene.

Special spot

Find a special spot for the snowflakes that have been collected. Maybe it’s a pretty box or maybe the snowflakes get added to your tree or mantle. Pick a spot when your kids can put the snowflakes and return to see and show off their handiwork.

If you create your own Snowflake scavenger hunt at home, tag us in your photos! Check back here to our blog for more activities throughout the winter months ahead!


Amelia Bell

Amelia’s been moving and grooving from day one. Her parents once told her that as a child she “wasn’t content until she could walk on her own.” Walking quickly turned into dancing, and she’s never stopped. Originally from Houston, Texas, Amelia spent her childhood trying to do anything she considered “artistic” until finally finding her passion in theatre and dance. She graduated from Northwestern University where she was a Theatre major, Dance minor, and graduated with a certificate in Music Theatre.

Working at Bubbles is a dream come true! The mixture of imagination, adventure, art, and music is perfect for Miss Amelia’s energetic and creative spirit. She has been working with young children since she was a teenager, and loves the opportunity Bubbles gives to combine her love of children with her love of the arts. When not working, she can be found on stage performing, teaching herself how to play musical instruments, and baking treats for friends!
