Best Masks for Kids & Mask Tips for Kids! - Bubbles Academy

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Best Masks for Kids & Mask Tips for Kids!

What are the best masks for kids? We asked our preschool families for their recommendations from first hand experience! Check out the list below for our favorite kids masks that you can order online or pick up in stores.

Our teaching artists have also compiled their top tips to help your child with mask wearing while also making it fun – scroll down to check out our mask wearing tips for kids!

Please note: This post contains Amazon affiliate links.

Best Masks for Kids, according to our Preschool Families!

Helpful Mask Accessories

Tips for Encouraging Mask Wearing for Kids

  • Practice a few times before coming to school like going to the store or visiting a favorite location like a park.  Once you’re engaged in a fun activity, you often forget that it’s on.
  • Put masks on your stuffed animals or loveys to help normalize the practice and make it a part of dressing up.  Let them feel, play and explore the mask before moving straight into putting it on.
  • Take fun mask selfies together to show how grownups and big kids wear masks. Make silly faces in the mirror with and without masks… like making your eyebrows dance or guessing a face your making under the mask.
  • Use language like “We’re keeping everyone safe…like Super Heroes when we wear our masks”
  • Let them help you pick out the mask… a favorite pattern or color might help them get more excited to wear it.
  • Try not to apologize for the mask itself and make it an ultimatum, rather a “this is just a part of how we get ready now, like putting on your shoes or wearing your coat!”
    • Use the same language each time you put on and take off the mask so it becomes a part of your daily routine. Like, “First we put on our mask, THEN we go in the store”
  • Check out our social story and other pictures of kids with masks on to help normalize the process.
    • Enlist the help of other family members too; have them send a silly pic of them wearing a mask too!
  • Praise praise praise! “I love how you wore your mask the whole time! I’m so proud of you!”
  • Enlist the help of cartoons!

About The Author

Natalie Monterastelli

Natalie Monterastelli

I am a parent, teaching artist, writer, and entrepreneur who believes in the power of the Arts to help us connect, learn, and grow. My goal is to ignite wonder and compassion through my business (Bubbles Academy), nonprofit...

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